Flower Blob #64. 2005. Cast foam with dyed plastic and flocking. Covered with plastic flowers, plastic balls, and flocked bird. 16 1/2 x 18 x 7 inches.


The Flower Blob sculptures take their cue from blob architecture. Their forms are in fact nothing in nature, though the sculptures reveal themselves as natural forms.

The Flower Blobs continue to explore the spills of my landscape projects, the space where the artificial meets the real. In these intimately scaled sculptures the dialogue between the real and the artificial extends to the surfaces covered with plastic flowers and novelty birds. The Flower Blob sculptures continue my interest in examining our control and manipulation of nature.

Flower Blob #73
Painted fiberglass with plastic flowers and novelty birds and fruit and inflatable
58 x 24 x 24 inches

Flower Blob #74
Painted fiberglass with plastic flowers and novelty birds and fruit
66 x 11 x 24 inches

Flower Blob #75
Painted fiberglass with plastic flowers and novelty bird
65 x 14 x 20 inches

Flower Blob #77
Painted fiberglass with plastic flowers and novelty bird
69 x 20 x 21 inches

Flower Blob #83
cast foam and plastic, flocking, tree trunk, plaster
65 x 22 x 12 inches

Flower Blob #82
cast foam with plastic, flocking, tree trunk, wood
60 x 22 x 16 inches